About a year ago I showed you sis's room....
Other than a few minor changes I thought I was just about DONE with her room. However, after living with it for a while, there are some things that we both decided needs to be changed. Well pretty much all of it needs to be changed!
I don't like all the orange though it's sis's favorite color. She doesn't like the picture over her bed and neither of us like the hand painted striped curtains. We like the design of them and in pictures they look GOOD but they are too stiff and look a little (maybe a lot) blotchy in real life. Not quite the feel we were wanting.
Anyway, I envision a gray and white room with soft flowing curtains, ruffled bedding and most of all NO orange! I also envision a gorgeous, TALL button tufted headboard somewhat like this one...
Wow, is that not a GORGEOUS room?
Well as you know, upholstered, button tufted headboards can be EXPENSIVE...EXtreeeemely expensive so I have decided to make one. Surprised? Probably NOT!
A few months ago when my in-laws bought their new house they gave us their like new queen size bed for sis. They didn't have room for it and she NEEDED a new bed, so it was a win, win situation! The bed came with a not so pretty fake oak, pressed board headboard. I knew we would NOT be using that. However, I figured I could use part of it to make the tall white tufted headboard I had been dreaming of.
I disassembled the old headboard keeping only the frame...
then screwed a large piece of utility board that I got for $7.65 at Lowe's to the frame.
I had the handy dandy saw operator man at Lowe's make a cut for me at 65.5"...(the width of a queen size headboard) so I didn't even have to mess with digging my saw out once I got home.
Yes, I know you do all your projects in the middle of the living room floor too, don't you? Hehe.
Next, though this step is VERY HARD to see, I measured and drilled my holes for the button tufts...
Mine is not going to have quite the amount of tufting as the one in the gorgeous room above, but I think it will turn out fine.
For the padding I used a foam mattress I found last weekend at our pastors yardsale for $2.00. What a great find and at the right time no less. I love when that happens. It lets me know this project was meant to me.
Have I ever told you how much I love my electric stapler? Well, I do! I bought mine at Lowes when I was upholstering the loveseat in the living room and let me just tell you, I will NEVER be without one again! It's beats the heck out of using a manual, hand hurting, hard to operate one any day....
And that's where I stopped...FOR NOW....
I have the perfect white fabric that I found a month or so ago for a dollar at a local thrift store and will be tackling the tufting an upholstery over the weekend...that is IF I can get the buttons I need tonight.
I hope to be able to show you the finished headboard next week. Wish me luck!
What projects have you been working on lately? Have you ever made your own headboard?
Have a fabulous weekend! Ciao!
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