Each year we try to pick one or two majorish projects and lots of little projects to complete. As far as major projects we try to pick the thing that is in the most dire need of attention. The first summer we lived here our major priority was to give the house a new paint job. While it was a big cosmetic improvement, it was very NEEDED as we had lots of exposed wood on the house that needed to be protected from the elements.
The following summer we put a new roof on the house and garage along with an addition to the garage to store the hubs' boat and to protect it from the elements (because you know that is of the utmost importance)...Haha, and last year we replaced the front door and did a few energy efficiency projects.
This year it's the screened porch's turn to be revamped. YAY!!
You know it NEEDS it!
I have been waiting for 4 years to get the porch done. Truthfully, it was the project I would have loved to have tackled first because it's my favorite part of the whole house and probably the very reason we purchased the house, but...one must prioritize! Those other things HAD to come first. However, I'm giddy with excitement to finally be getting the screened porch redo underway and wanted to share the progress with you.
All the original panels had to come down leaving nothing but the corner posts...
They were completely falling apart and had some rot. There was no saving them. Sorry I do not have any good before pics to show you because I have pretty much avoided taking pictures of this porch. Just know that it was BAD...reeeally BAD. It had missing pieces, torn screens and was all sorts of U.G.L.Y.
My father-in-law started making new wooden frames for it, just like the originals, over the winter. It didn't dawn on us until we started installing the frames yesterday that we could have done things a lot differently by building the framing right in place and saved ourselves and pops a lot of time, trouble and a lot of cuts. Probably would've even saved on materials too but this is the first screened porch we have ever attempted so you live and you learn, right? It's for sure that if we had to do it again we would do things the easy way, but so long as the job gets done and it works that's all that matters!
Besides, it's looking pretty good, right?
While the hubs is putting the remaining two frames properly in place this evening, I will be sanding and getting everything ready for paint. I hope to have the painting done by Saturday and then we will be ready to add the screen.
By the end of next week I hope to be sitting comfortably on my new screened porch sipping some iced tea without the company of flies, spiders and wasps. I can't wait!
What are your plans for the weekend? Are you tackling any major jobs around the house? The comment section is open. I would love to hear from you.