As promised though I took a shot of the tree this morning to show you how it's looking. Unfortunately I left my SD card at work yesterday so I had to take a picture with my phone. It's not a good one but that's just the way things have been going for me lately.
Fortunately with the low lighting you can't really see the curvature of the trunk so that's a good thing because when you look at it in person it kind of makes you a bit dizzy.
I was thinking that this mess of a tree might just cure me from ever wanting a "real" Christmas tree again. I'm a perfectionist so dealing with this tree instead of a perfectly shaped fake tree has been a real challenge for me to say the least; but, I don't know, there's just something about a real tree that makes Christmas better, even if it is a hot mess. Strangely enough, I love the real best even though it has flaws. It kind of reminds me of me. Like my Christmas tree this year, I'm not perfect but one day God decided that I was worth saving and he came to this earth to rescue a hot mess like me....and you too! So although we've talked this year about pretty Christmas trees and decorations and food and parties and presents, I just wanted to leave a little reminder that Christmas is not really about all those things. It's about our savior....JESUS. He's the reason for the season and I don't know about you but I'm so thankful he overlooked my flaws, has had much patience with me and loved me anyway. You too?
So with that, I say MERRY CHRISTMAS my friends. Have a fabulous holiday!!
You are too funny saying your tree is a hot mess, Sheila! Actually it looks great to me - better than a lot that I've seen and besides, you add a special message about the real meaning of Christmas which I like! May you and your family have a wonderful holiday of merriment and love!