Anyway, let's cut the small talk and go right into the subject of this post, shall we? I was wondering, would any of you paint the smallest room in your house BLACK?...or something close to black? Never, maybe, yes? I would like to hear your thoughts on this!
I have been ready to redo my upstairs bath for a while now and finally got started the other day. I should be done in a few weeks...Lord willing and I get the time. It seems TIME is in short supply these days. Do you ever feel that way? Life seems to be running away from me lately. I hope I can catch up soon!
Anyway, I thought you might like to spy my inspiration for this tiny room, take a gander at what I started with (a word of caution...IT'S UGLY!!!) and take a little peek at my progress so far. Sound good? Well, sure it does. What else do you have to do on this fine (snowy) spring day?
First up...The Inspiration
Okay, so is this a gorgeous powder room or what? Now tell me....would you consider painting the smallest room in your house black (or a super dark charcoal gray)? My answer is yes, yes I would...and I AM going to real soon.
Why? Well because I absolutely LOVE that powder room and because I can pretty much duplicate it...take a gander at what I started with...
Yeah, I know this pic is at a slightly different angle than my inspiration pic and the window is on the opposite side, but can you see it?...Can you see how this bath has a remarkable resemblance to my inspiration pick. The mirror and chrome sconces are similar to the ones in my inspiration room and if I trade the pink out for white, paint the upper walls black and paint the floor too, I think my little powder room will be as chic and sophisticated as my inspiration room.
So far I have primed EVERYTHING...well at least all the pink. Believe me, there was A LOT of pink...including the door and linen closet....Whew, a lot of work!!! I am so glad to be done with that part of it and WOW, what a difference it has made already...
I hope to have everything except for the floor done by the weekend. Wish me luck!
See ya soon and have a fantastic "Spring" day! Ciao