Other peoples opinions of my home and design style aren't (or shouldn't be) important to me. It's the other people who live in my home whose preferences should be important. That would be my husband and my two children because; after all, they live there too, and that's the precise reason that I had RED furniture delivered to my house. The hubs liked it and wanted it and it was my pleasure to make him happy.
At first I thought designing around this red furniture was going to be very difficult. Red's not my color and having so much of it in the living room was intimidating to me. However I believe Olioboard has helped with that. I had asked for your opinion and help choosing which board was best but then it dawned on me to ask my husband for his. Now let me just say that he could not care less about my design dilemmas or anything else that concerns decorating and he's definitely no designer, BUT he will usually give me his honest opinion about whether or not he likes something....so I showed him the boards. I must say I was really surprised at his choice because it's the one I like too.
What gets me, is he didn't even have to think about it...he just said....I like this one and pointed to this...
He said he liked the green curtains and the crab picture. Now I hope he wasn't joking because I am so getting a giant crab picture for over the fireplace. LOL!
Now you know I can't just stop at designing the living room since the dining room is open to it...so I designed a little board for the dining room as well. It had to have some red of course, those same green curtains and some zebra print too. This is what I came up with and I totally love it...

I think the two rooms look great together. I can't wait to get started. It will probably take a while to get everything together as money is tight, but at least I have a vision and I can finally start looking for the things I need.
Here they are side by side. Don't they look lovely together?
I'm in love and I am SOOOOO glad to finally have a plan in place. Oh how I love Olioboard. It has made my life so much easier. Everything is all in one place....in picture form... and I can go back and refer to it as often as I like. I can even keep a picture with me for when I am shopping to help me remember what items I am looking for.
All I can say is........YAY. What a relief to finally be on my way to getting these two rooms put together, and one more thing...
Doesn't my husband have good taste in design? Yes, yes he does! HaHa.
Have a fantastic day! Ciao

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Coastal Charm...Nifty Thrifty Tuesday