It took a while to gather all the driftwood needed (probably around 150 - 200 pieces total). Yes, that much!!, and thanks to the recent flooding that I talked about HERE, I was able to gather it up much sooner than expected. YAY!!
Then there was the gluing...then waiting for the glue to dry...then gluing some more and waiting for the glue to dry again....and again. Yes, this project was one that took much patience but the end result is well worth it. Well here, see for yourself...
I do have to apologize for the pictures...
There really are NO good ones as this porch is just tooooooo tiny to get any good shots, but...IT IS WHAT IT IS!! Besides a camera just cannot show you the beauty and clarity that the naked eye can; so, to see this GORGEOUS mirror in all it's glory, you are just gonna have to come over for a visit. The porch is pretty much done (just a couple finishing touches left) so don't hesitate to stop by for a chat. We'll sit and talk about the lovely weather we're having, sip on some sweet, ice cold tea, and oooh and ahhh over just how pretty this mirror...and the porch...really is.
The mirror was a totally FREE project. I already had the 12" round mirror. Of course you know the driftwood was free and I had a piece of 1/4" thick wood paneling in my stash that I used for the backing. So yes, a totally FREE mirror which is a GREAT deal when you consider that you can't touch a driftwood mirror of any kind in the stores or on the internet for under $100.
It doesn't look very big on the wall but it actually is quite large, around 36" in diameter or so and is a very quality piece. I couldn't be happier with it.
From this vantage point you can get kind of a full view of the porch...with mirror...and a little peek at the flower bed that runs around this side of the house (oh and peeling and chipping siding that we are going to have to fix this fall). I still plan on showing you the whole flower bed but just haven't had a chance yet.
Of course as you can tell I need a few more plants on this side and to do a little tweaking but that's gonna have to wait a while. Vacations coming!! The good news is, the cardboard weed barrier is doing a FABULOUS job!! YAYYY!!
Oh, but we were talking about that GORGEOUS mirror, weren't we?
I am genuinely thrilled with how this project turned out. Truthfully, I am quite proud of it because it was something I really wanted and I saved a TON of money by making it myself. That's why I love DIY so much. Plus it's a quality piece that was made right and is going to last a while. I put quite a lot of time, effort and GLUE (a whole bottle of Elmer's wood glue, hehe) into this piece and it really shows.
So, why don't you come on by the porch sometime and have a real look at it! I'll be here enjoying the lovely weather and the view.
Have a great day, friend!!

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Thrifty Decor Chick
Home Remedies
Bless'er House
Coastal Charm
Savvy Southern Style
Cedar Hill Farmhouse
No Minimalist Here
Imparting Grace
From My Front Porch To Yours