Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Well, the latest news on the home front here at Beyond the Portico is that Sis and I have traded spaces once again.  If you will remember, a few years ago we moved Sis to the master bedroom and moved our room upstairs.  For various reasons (like the hubs doesn't want to travel upstairs to go to bed every night) we decided it was time for the hubs and I to have our room on the main floor and send Sis back upstairs.  Since we didn't want the work of moving all the furniture around we gave Sis our old bedroom outfit and got something new to replace her old stuff...I will share that with you once I repaint and get some new bedding.

In the meantime I have been looking for some new light fixtures.  I will be making a faux capix shell chandy for Sis' room (as soon as I find the time to sit down and do it) and I am looking for a lantern style fixture for the master.

In my search I stumbled across a fabulous tutorial for a gorgeous girly glam chandy that costs just a few dollars and takes only minutes to make.  I thought you might be interested so I am going to share it with you here.

Is that cute or what?  You know you NEED one, right?

Ikea sells a large white paper lantern (17 inches) for I think $7 and coffee filters are a dollar just about anywhere, so this would be a super cheap, super easy project to glam up a little girls room...or a big girls room for that matter and you could easily hang it from an existing light fixture.  If you don't have an Ikea near you check out your local dollar tree.  They have smaller lanterns for just a dollar each or check out Oriental trading.  They often times have free shipping.

I hope to be back in a few to share some of those changes on the home front.  Until then do yourself a favor and made one of these gorgeous chandys.


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