Monday, April 10, 2017


Okay so I know you have been waiting for a long time and have been very patient for the final reveal of the kitchen remodel here at BTP.  I know it's been a long time coming so today's the day....well sorta...I can't say this is the full and final reveal...but it's a good start.  I am not finished accessorizing and really have not had time to get the professional camera out and do a full photo shoot so some of these are little grainy.  Maybe in a few weeks I can get some better pictures.  Until then I leave you with this...

and this...

We used the white shaker cabinets they have in stock at Home Depot and I really like them.

I love the big drawers for storage.  You just pull them open and can see everything and get to everything easily.  Trust me this is WAY better than having to dig for things or crawl into the cabinet trying to find what you need like we used to do.

On a little side note, the china cabinet is for sale so it will not be staying.  I am sad to see it go because I hunted for one this particular style for a VERY, VERY long time it was something I really wanted.  There's just no room for it now.  :-(

On the brighter side, I love my new kitchen so much that I don't mind not having room for the china cabinet.

One of our favorite cabinets in the new kitchen is the cabinet with cube storage.  Home Depot didn't have a pantry option for the specific size we needed for that side of the fridge so we rigged something up using small wall cabinets and cube storage towers.  It worked out great and we love the extra storage for I need snacks....hehe.

It even has some wine storage...or in our case...soda storage...

I still have to gather some things together for my new open shelves baking station so I will show all that later.

Well for the most part, there's the new kitchen.  This is by far the biggest but best project we have ever done.  We love our new kitchen and the openness of the space now.  Coming home from work and cooking dinner in this house used to be a dread.  Now it's a joy!  I am so glad we decided to do this.

Monday, April 3, 2017


I know you have been waiting FOREVER for the full reveal of the new kitchen.  Sorry I cannot show that yet but I promise it will be soon.  We have been super always happens around this time of year...with extra things going on at church and with family so every Saturday (weekend) is pretty much a bust to get things done at home.  That's just the way it goes sometimes!  I did get a chance to work on blinging up the overhead light fixture in the kitchen though. YAY!!

The whole light fixture thing was somewhat of a debate.  My SIL thought I should replace the old vintage light fixture (since I was replacing everything else) with something a little more kind of go along with the chandelier in the dining room...and at first the hubs did too....UNTIL...he realized it would be him doing all the work to take the old fixture down and put a new one up.  Then suddenly the old light fixture was plenty good enough.  LOL!!

Truthfully...AND ODDLY...I wanted to keep the old fixture.  It's original to this old house and the old bell type fixtures are back in style....farmhouse there was no need to replace it.

We saved some moolah too so that's good but, I didn't think it would hurt to add a little bling to it...You know, to make my SIL happy and add a little blingy fanciness to the kitchen because it really does need something to tone down the industrial vibe I ended up with.  Plus, I figured a little bling never hurt anything!!!!

This is kind of what I had in mind except for without the white crackle look...

The original chrome shade works better for me...though I could paint it later on if I need to.

I had a ton of leftover beads from stringing the dining room chandy so I used those and an old trivet similar to the one below that I found at the thrift store for $1 to add all my bling to the fixture without having to take it down....

The hubs cut out the center ring of the trivet so it would fit around the globe of the light fixture, then I propped it on a soda bottle to make it easier to hang the strands of beads on...

After looking at this I think I went a little sparse on beads but I mainly wanted to make sure this was going to work out before putting myself through any more work in it.

It worked great and I will be sure to add plenty more beads when I replace the frosted glass globe for a clear one later on.  I am officially on the hunt for a clear globe.  I hope it don't take me too long to find what I am looking for.

Well I guess that's it for today.  I will be back soon with the full reveal....I PROMISE!!!!

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