We have had two showings in the past month or so, which initially was super exciting as we anticipated that someone might want to purchase it...we were crossing our fingers and praying, praying, praying. However, apparently neither looker wanted to make the purchase. The first one didn't want anything with stairs...so why in the world did they even come for a look, I ask????? The last one did seem somewhat interested and even wanted more information about the house which we gave them but....silence....we haven't heard anything more.
I tell you I am SOOOOO bummed and I'm like SELL ALREADY stupid house!!! (Don't get me wrong I love my house and I am truly thankful for it. It's beautiful, it's safe and warm and it's been a good home for my family) but I just want to get moving. We have already found the house we want in the country with 5 acres, grapevines, fruit trees and raised bed gardens already in place. It's truly perfect for us at this point in our life. We have a contract on it and financial pre-approval we just have to wait for our house to sell.
Truth is I'm scared we will lose this perfect place if ours doesn't sell soon. We've already asked the owners to extend our contract once. I don't think they will do it again. Plus, I've already been making mental notes of just how I want to decorate it....choosing colors and fabrics...etc. More importantly, I have been researching all about organic gardening and taking care of those luscious fruit trees and grapevines that I love so much and I would totally love to be moved in by planting season...high and lofty hopes I know; but, I do know and have faith in the One who makes good things happen....GOD! He knows exactly what He's doing and has perfect timing for everything. So if that house is in His plans for our future it will be ours and it will happen at just the right time....I guess I'm just not as patient as He is... :) God gave us the house we have now at the right price, right interest rate and at the right time and I know he can do it again...that's FAITH!!!
Anyway, since I don't really have any pictures to post today I will leave you with the link to our (hopefully) new house.
It's nothing fancy...quite plain actually...but I call that a blank canvas waiting for the artists touch. The inside listing photos are HORRIBLE (Century 21 should be shot)...hehehe. There are no photos of the raised garden beds in the back yard but you can see from the other photos just how beautiful the land (yard) is. Not lying...I'm having a hard time waiting on God this time around. PRAY FOR ME!!!
Have a great day!