Anyway, I found a few things there that made it home with me. They were having a sale on their sconces so I got a pair for the dining room (which I will show you later) and one for my bedroom. I also found a beautiful piece of scroll work for over my bed for $14.00.
What do you think? Did I do well?
I have to say "Thank God for Kirklands" because it was there that I finally found these few things I was looking for over my bed. I still need a candle for the sconce and of course I still have a few other things to do to finish this master bedroom redo, but I'm almost done. Of course, making the bed better would probably be a good start, but I'm getting there. Really, I AM getting there! I never intended for this room to take me so long to complete, but someday...Yes SOMEDAY...I will finally be done...only to start all over again. LOL!
Now I want to show you a little something I got from Hob Lob for the dining room.
A vinyl wall decal. I LOVE IT, don't you? The written word makes such a HUGE statement!
When I visited my niece this past Christmas she had a few different vinyl decals on her walls and I just fell in love with them. I knew then that I HAD to have one. This one, like I said, is from Hobby Lobby and was $19.95 (I forgot to use my 40% off coupon)...I know, I know, I'm such a ditz sometimes...but enough about me...Hob Lob has a fairly good selection of these vinyl decals and I have seen some at other stores as well. There is also a vast selection online if you can't find what you like in your local stores. The best part is they are pretty inexpensive, they are easy to apply and they don't leave any pesky little holes in the wall that needs repaired later. Just my little sales pitch for vinyl wall decals (you know, in case you want one for yourself).
Anyway there you have it, just a few of the things I have been working on around the house. I have been working on more changes in the dining room and will be back soon to share those with you. Until then, be good, stay out of trouble and, as mom would say, "please make sure you leave the house wearing clean underwear" (one never knows). Ciao!!
Sharing at: Between Naps on the Porch, Mrs. Hines Class, The Shady Porch, No Minimalist Here, Coastal Charm, A Stroll Thru Life, Savvy Southern Style, At the Picket Fence, The Thrifty Groove