Anyway, I set my mind to having the porch done by the end of summer. A very tall order for sure and one I didn't think I would be able to fill as summer is a VERY busy time for us. However, I have tirelessly plugged away at getting my little porch decorated and with the exception of one thing, I'm DONE! Whoot, Whoot!!! I found one more piece to the puzzle over the weekend. Can you see it?...
Here take a closer look...
I got a brand new, bright, shiny, pretty lamp! You like?
Now I will say that there was nothing wrong with the old lamp that I have had for a thousand years...
I just wanted something that went a little better with my current decor on the porch.
I had been looking at different places for just the right one and found several that I liked but they were WAY too expensive. Not only that, most places are selling the base separately from the shade nowadays. I HATE that. It's like paying double for one lamp. OUCH!! Anyway, I found this one at Ross and I paid one price for the whole lamp. Base, shade, everything, and got it for less than what I would have spent on just a base somewhere else. A good deal I think.
Speaking of lamps, when you see these next few pictures you are going to wonder why in the world this chic would need a new lamp...hehehe...but I digress...
The hubs told me that he was okay with me buying a new lamp for the porch, since all the money would be coming from my bonus money from work, but I would have to agree to let go of a few that I don't use anymore. Oh, it KILLS me, but I agreed. So we are having a HUGE yard sale this weekend.
I have been hoarding home decor for a LONG time. Well, not really hoarding....
Okay, hoarding!!...Yeah, and there are more lamps there than meet the eye. There are two hidden in the boxes and one large one without a shade behind the three you can see here...there are even more in the you think I have a problem? Hehe. With all defense, I have had most of my lamps for well over ten years so it's not like I go out and buy lamps every other day. So there, hubs!!
Nevertheless, this house really does need a good purging!!! My storage areas are bursting at the seems, but I just can't help it. I pay good money for things and I just hate to get rid of them when my style or tastes change. Besides, I like that I have a stash for when I want to change things out here and there but alas I have TOO much stuff...
All of this is not even the tip of the iceberg!
We have at least this much more stuff in the basement ready to go out on the lawn tomorrow morning. I have rugs, furniture and a few other lamps to boot. We are also clearing out the garage...which is mainly the hubs' hoarding grounds...though I have tried taking it over too. I have an antique french bed frame and a few other things out there. Oops!!...AND, there is stuff in other places that we will be going through tonight.
Oh my Lord! Please don't call the hoard busters on me, mmmkay!!
You know truthfully I can't even believe our little house could hold that much stuff without it being noticed by the naked eye. Good house!! However, this purging is really starting to make me feel so much I can breath the house can breath again. AHHH!!
Yes, these hoarders are selling it all and the prices are going to be EXTREMELY low so if you are in the area (and in the market for a new lamp) be sure to stop by. I will make you a great deal!!!