Don't the vibrant yellow flowers look just lovely with the pale gray walls and black accents? BEAUTIFUL!
This is just the tip of the iceberg. There's a LOT more trimming that needs to be done... you know, in case you want to come over and get some for yourself.
I'll leave the shears by the back door. Hehehe
Pay no mind to the fact that there are no candles in those gorgeous mercury glass candleholders that I got for $9.95 each from Marshalls a little while back. I couldn't find them. I know they are around this house somewhere! Where; however, is the question! Wouldn't some lavender colored ones look fabulous here? Maybe I can find some before Easter to give this table a little added burst of Spring loveliness.
Speaking of Marshalls, we just got one in our area a few months ago and I can tell you it is quickly becoming my favorite store for home decor. They are so reasonably priced!
The only problem is that if you pass something up you probably will not get the chance to go back and get it. They only stock leftovers and once something is gone, it's GONE! I passed up a gorgeous mirror that would have been great over the fireplace and I am kicking myself. However, I didn't pass up the metal orb seen here, which was the same price as the candleholders, $9.95. I LOVE IT, don't you?
I picked up the large silverware from with some of my saved up credits. They are perfect for the dining room and one of the last purchases on my dining room makeover list.
Ironically enough they had the exact same ones at Marshalls last time I was there but I had already ordered mine from Amazon. I did get mine cheaper from Amazon because of my card credits but I like the fact that Marshalls sells each piece separately which makes it easier and cheaper to pick and choose which ones you want instead of having to buy the whole set like I did.
As much as I like those though, the best decoration in the room is the Forsythia...God's creation...and it was FREE.
Doesn't the pop of color just make your heart sing?
I LOVE IT!!! The one thing I don't love however is the huge BROWN elephant in the room. Do you see it? Yeah, that's the last big project on my dining room makeover list and it WILL be changing colors in the next week or so. Problem is I have not officially decided what color it should be. It's a toss up between black with silver hardware and white with black hardware. What do you think I should do? Paint it white or black?
I don't want that side of the room to feel too heavy but I have unofficially decided on black because I think it will balance out the room. However, I would really love your opinion.
Oh and if you stop by with your opinion, feel free to cut yourself a little bit of Forsythia to take home with you. I've got plenty to share!!!

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Cedar Hill Farmhouse
A Stroll Thru Life
Home Remedies
Coastal Charm
Savvy Southern Style
Bless'er House
Imparting Grace

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